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Jamie Fleet

Architectural Technology (Bsc)

Nottingham Trent University 





Newly graduated from Nottingham Trent University in Architectural Technology, I'm proud to have achieved a first-class degree.


I really enjoy working at Whittam Cox Architects as the people there are nice and easy to get along with, also, the practice's project portfolio is something I'm very proud to be a part of. I enjoy keeping active whether that be through the gym or playing football and I’m very much into travelling, seeing new exciting places around the world. 



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Derwent Contemporary Art Centre

The Derwent Contemporary art centre facility proposes to create a multipurpose art space for the education of contemporary art ...

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The Derwent Contemporary art centre facility proposes to create a multipurpose art space for 
the education of contemporary art, as well as the showcase of collections, which are made in 
house and loaded to the centre by artists around the world. The centre accommodates large 
gallery spaces for showcasing different areas within the art industry, mainly showcasing rooms 
for; interactive, Painting, drawing, historic (Derby in particular) and sculptures gallery spaces. The spaces will provide spread inspiration through artwork, to the public and it can be seen as motivation for the aspiring artists who use the education facilities. The educational part will help aspiring artists excel within the field using studios, libraries, and research spaces. Workshop and studio sessions will regularly be put on for the public. There will be a conservation area for the staff to restore any artwork which has been donated to the centre.

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